Let's Help Keep Our Community Safe.
Updated 01/26/2022 @ 2:52 PM
Here at North Palm Beach Recovery Center we are taking COVID-19 very seriously and continue to follow and monitor any new developments relating to the pandemic.
We have developed policies, procedures, and protocols to keep patients and staff as safe as possible including revised admission criteria that include not admitting patients with COVID-19 symptoms, or requiring they self-quarantine if there is a question of exposure based on where they live, have traveled, or what they have been exposed to.
On-campus safety precautions include social distancing, temperature checks daily as patients and staff come to Campus, face covers are required where social distancing is impossible, and clear guidance on what PPE (protective patient equipment) is to be worn by staff given specific circumstances. We are following CDC and OSHA guidelines on cleaning and disinfecting the facility. We have access to COVID-19 testing that is being provided to patients and staff that show symptoms of an infection.
Thank you,
North Palm Beach Staff